The IndyMed Preparedness Initiative:
A roadmap from Corona, Long COVID, Post-Vac to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and P4 Family Medicine


Table 1 COVID-19 deaths, SARS-CoV-2 infections, and SARS-CoV-2 fatality rates in Germany stratified by age groups of 10 year-segments from week 49 in 2021 to week 4 in 2022 plus prevalent SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern (VoC). Data were obtained from the Robert Koch-Institute

Table 2 Prevalent SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VoC), cumulative vaccination numbers (first, second, first booster, second booster), and incremental incidence, fatality cases and fatality rates per quarter for the year 2021 and the first half of year 2022. Data obtained from RKI and DeStatis In December 2021 a shift occurs from Delta to Omicron. About 60 million people were at least 2 times vaccinated. The fatality rate drops by at least 6fold within 4 weeks. This drop seems not to depend on the vaccination status.

Table 3 MHC prediction using MHC server [Davis et al. 2023]. PMW type 1 and PMW type 2 prediction according to Lustrek et al. 2013.